HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Just a quick thank you to everyone who keeps downloading each week fortnight – we really appreciate your support!

Join Sam and Paul as they discuss everything you would ever need to know about ghosts.

Wow, is it Friday the 13th again already?! What are the chances? Pretty high actually, as you may recall… If you’ve forgotten, or didn’t hear it the first time round, this is your chance to (re)join us as we discuss(ed) everything you would ever need to know about the unluckiest of days.

Join Sam and Paul as they discuss everything you would ever need to know about the birth of Hollywood.

Our 24th episode records tomorrow night, on how and why Hollywood all began…

Wheat beer is a personal favourite beer-style, the German Weissbier being chief among them, and having tried many exceptional ones during my stint living in Munich, I had high hopes for today’s offering. Friar Weisse, a weissbier crafted by Irish micro-brewery Franciscan Well, is a tribute to the monks of the old Franciscan Monastery. Legend […]

Join Sam and Paul as they discuss everything you would ever need to know about the Aurora Borealis.

Welcome back to Beers of the Podcast! Today, we’re looking back at a tasty little number that I came across recently. A friend of mine knocked on my door last week brandishing a bottle of Klosterhof Bernsteinweizen, and proposed that we imbibe it immediately. This was my first encounter with a beer brewed in the historic […]

Join Sam and Paul as they discuss everything you would ever need to know about the Pitcairn Islands.

With recording for Season 3 of the Podcast underway, it is high time to revive our series of beer reviews, Beers of the Podcast. This week’s offering is a beer from a Somerset-based craft brewery, The Wild Beer Co. Their strap-line is “Drink Wildly Different”, and while this beer was both wild and different, these […]